about you

Be aware of what you are doing PhD student!

The hour draws near that you have to meet deadlines, holidays are looming, your paper has to be submitted, your presentation will be the day after tomorrow….. the pressure and the stress are building up..…before you know it you are running around like a headless chicken. Once this happens you…

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I lost my motivation!

You are not the only PhD student who suffers from a loss of motivation from time to time. Rather: it would be very unusual if you didn’t. A project of four years will undoubtedly have moments where things don’t go that smooth as you imagine. If you want to be…

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about you

How to empty your head

Your head seems so full. And it never stops; all these thoughts are constantly swirling around in your head. Every question repeats itself. Parts of conversations don’t leave your mind. Literature you can’t release out of your head. Do you recognise it? Many PhD students suffer from it: a ‘scrambled…

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