handy sources must watch podcast for PhD's

Must watch podcast!

Lodewijk and I were recently interviewed by Lexter Woodley for her podcast. As she describes it: Whether you’re on the fence about pursuing a PhD or knee-deep in your research, this conversation is packed with practical tips and hard-earned wisdom. From tackling procrastination and navigating tricky supervisor relationships to staying…

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handy sourceswriting academic writing is very important for phd students

Get started with Really Write

Recently, I met Taylor Krohn, an academic writing instructor. She asked me to check out Really Write, a free editing tool she created with a software developer to help researchers write clearly and concisely.   How does Really Write work? Copy your text to the website, and you’ll receive feedback…

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handy sources How to maintain a good overview, Joy de Jong gives a great example with 4 questions.

How to maintain overview

At the beginning of the new Academic Year, it is always a great time to reflect. In case you want to have a good start to your research and stay on track, it is highly recommended to have a clear overview. The three aspects I won’t tell you anything surprising…

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