Why I offer researchers and scientists a Chinese workout

A cliché, but true: researchers and scientists experience stress. It has various causes: competition for research funds and the race to be the first with publications, financial pressure to secure sufficient resources, the pressure to regularly publish in renowned journals, time pressure due to various deadlines, no proper work-life balance,…

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about you

Say no more

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” Julia indicates with this world-famous line that a name is just a label and that a name, in itself, means nothing. Are names important? In the context of Romeo and Juliet,…

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about you

The new academic year, I’m back in action!

“We would appreciate it if you could stay for a few days. That way, we can better monitor how you respond to the medication.” And so, what I thought would be a half-hour appointment turned into the beginning of a four-and-a-half-week hospital stay. During my time in the hospital, it…

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writing What do cooking and writing have in common?

What do cooking and writing have in common?

There are different types of cooks. The improvisers, the recipe-lovers, the just-throwing-things-in-the-pan-cooks, the I-prefer-takeaway-cooks, the burned-pan-cooks, the exploded kitchen-cooks. In the same way, you have different kinds of writers. You could talk about Beethovian – writers who will change and adapt their writing while writing or Mozartian – writers that…

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