about you

Stress can be good!

Stress can be very good for your. You do need it. To make sure you can focus and as it will give you an extra energy boost. Our body is made up to handle stress in an intelligent way. Well…. We know how to handle stress as long as the…

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about you

Are you happy, PhD student?

I don’t really like to mention it but I come across many PhD students who don’t feel very happy. Because of the pressure of work, the relationship with their supervisor, because they are insecure if they will be able to finish their thesis, because the writing doesn’t seem to progress,…

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Small steps, big results

So, do you remember the resolutions you made at the beginning of this year? Or maybe the ones you  made at the beginning of the Academic New Year? Big chance that you made a start, but that you stranded again. That’s what happens normally with resolutions. And you promised yourself…

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