About Arjenne

Will help you to finish your PhD successfully and in time. English subtitles available Listen to my podcast: I am Arjenne Louter and I will help you to finish your PhD successfully and in time. You will find many tips and other useful tools on my website which will give…

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Writing, first you make a mess….

Do you hate writing? Is it hard for you to start writing and once you started, to actually come in a writing flow? I am going to help you in 4 steps to write with joy again. William G. Perry, Jr, a well-known educational psychologist and Professor of Education at…

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Recipe for writing a scientific paper

Take the following ingredients.… The classic first words of every recipe. I received a recipe via Marc Koper on how to write a paper. He didn’t cook it up himself, but George Whitesides did, a Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. His recipe is intended for chemistry, but is also very…

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