planning turn your planning around and plan the fun things in.

Turn it around

What if I tell you that you plan in the wrong way? That time-management will not be beneficial for you, that you are forgetting what is most important? Big chance you are shrugging your shoulders. Of course, I am quite capable to figure out how to plan my PhD? Do…

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What do you do with your 10 x 10?

‘Which bite of food would you leave last on your plate?’ a friend asked me a while ago when we were having a drink. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Well, some people just finish off their plates without thinking about an order what to eat first. Other people make sure that…

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The art of planning

A while ago I reread Marinus Knoope’s book The Creation Spiral (De Creatiespiraal 1998). The book is about the natural cycle from wish to reality, as mentioned in the sub title. In the book the writer explains how your wishes can become reality. He compares this cycle with the natural…

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planning How to eat an elephant? In small bites. Do the same with your work.

You only have x time to complete your thesis!

‘You have exactly one year to finish your thesis.’ This remark or any remark about time will send most PhD students into a frenzy. How come? Uncertainty The main reason is uncertainty about what needs to be done to reach the end product. Often this seems an incomprehensible mountain without…

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