
Recipe for writing a scientific paper

Take the following ingredients.… The classic first words of every recipe. I received a recipe via Marc Koper on how to write a paper. He didn’t cook it up himself, but George Whitesides did, a Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. His recipe is intended for chemistry, but is also very…

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10 tips for your email

So many emails. I don’t think I know anybody who doesn’t complain about having to plough through so many emails every day. And the hassle that comes with it. The misunderstandings, the frustration if you don’t get a reply. I gathered some handy tips to deal with your emails. Ten…

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Is your writing in need of a diet?

Is your writing in need of a diet? It is really hard to write good texts.  The reason some academic prose is so hard to read is because it is too ‘heavy’: it has too many passives, prepositions, adjectives and other complex grammar constructions. In short: it needs to lose…

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