writing Discussion and conclusion are the most challenging to write for a PhD Student

Discussion and conclusion, what’s the low down

The discussion and conclusion sections are often the most challenging to write for PhD students. What is expected of you? The discussion is the section that follows the methods and the results. The conclusion comes after the discussion. In the discussion, you let the reader know what your research means…

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writing The misunderstandings about writing

Don’t believe it!

Do you find writing difficult? Then you are not alone. That’s why I’m going to help you work through the most common misbeliefs about writing, which will allow you to write better with ease. One of the obstacles facing PhD students is writing. The writing process requires concentration and focus,…

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Writing, first you make a mess….

Do you hate writing? Is it hard for you to start writing and once you started, to actually come in a writing flow? I am going to help you in 4 steps to write with joy again. William G. Perry, Jr, a well-known educational psychologist and Professor of Education at…

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