
Are you a workaholic?

Many PhD students don’t work, they overwork. Because they have the idea that working more is better, they work so long and hard that they don’t work effectively anymore. And  ‘overworking’ kills creativity and you really need creativity. Imagine this: everybody is like a fishing pond full of creative ideas.…

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planning The way to plan, tips to make planning easier.

The way to plan!

It is hard for many PhD students to make a good planning.  I would like to give you some tips to help you. 1.        Never plan more than 80% of your time The rest of the time will be filled with unexpected events and normal things in life; a colleague…

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How to write a good introduction in three steps

A while ago my colleague Daan Andriessen brought the ‘Swales three move model for introductions’ to my attention. Very practical, because a well-written introduction can help you in producing a well-written article. Therefore I would like to introduce you to the ‘3 moves’, this is the version of James Luberda.…

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The importance of (free) handwriting

Sometimes other people write down things very clear. That is the case in this article. It is about the benefit of handwriting versus typing. It states that handwriting helps you f.i. to generate more ideas, it helps you to think clearer. And that is exactly what you need when you…

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