about youLittle things do matter

There is this Toni Braxton song called ‘Little things’. Don’t ask me what I think of the music, but the lyrics inspired me to write this blogpost. This is the song I’m talking about.

Why do little things matter?

Because they can make a huge difference.

What kind of small things am I talking about?

This is a list of small things that can make a big difference:

  • How do you leave your desk when you are finished working? How does that help you when you want to start again?
  • How do you start your day? Does that help you to have a good day? (read for instance the blog of Eva Lantsoght on ‘morning routines)
  • How do you end a conversation?
  • How do you talk to yourself when things go well?
  • How do you talk to yourself when things are not going so well?
  • Do you get enough sleep?
  • Do you eat well?
  • How much relaxation time do you have?
  • How do you start a conversation?
  • How do you prepare yourself for a task?
  • Do you ever reward yourself?
  • How kind are you towards yourself?
  • And towards others?
  • Do you get enough exercise?
  • Do you rest enough?
  • Do you make your work as easy as possible for yourself?
  • Do you plan well?
  • Is there enough time for fun?
  • Do you give compliments?
  • How do you finish what you are doing? Does it help to continue?
And this is only a little list of little things. Maybe you can make your own list with little things that will make a big difference. Because, baby, the little things are things that matter to me…
Feel free to respond! I am looking forward to receiving your list!
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