It happens twice a year.
Stress! Panic, hassle.
What happened?
Something serious?
No: the holidays have begun.
Christmas holidays or summer holidays.
Somehow we always have the expectation that everything should be finished. And most of the time that is not possible.

What to do do to start the holidays without stress?
First step is to take some time to figure out what you would like to do in your holidays. Make a holiday wish list. The list will clarify what your really want to do in your holidays and what you need to recharge. For example by taking a digitial detox.
Next step is to clarify what needs to be done or what would be nice if it was finished.
Then make a planning to actually complete these tasks. If this would mean that you have to work 7 days a week, have another look at your ‘must haves’. Probably there will be plenty of ‘nice to haves’ in this list, so you need to delete them from your to-do-list.
Another step is to slow down. Don’t plan many appointments, make clear you will be available after the holidays. Plan some nice things for yourself in your diary, take an afternoon off.
And the golden tip:
Install your ‘out-of-office-mail’ a week before departure and extend it another week after your return. Time to focus before the holidays and to start relaxed after the holidays.
And in case you do respond to your email: also great because then it’s done and dusted.
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