about you

Procrastination doesn’t mean you are lazy…

Procrastination feels awful. And, it can also have terrible consequences. Procrastination behaviour is possible in any area of life: not going to your doctor or dentist appointments, not tidying up, not getting around to making that one phone call, not doing any of the jobs that need to be done…

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about you

How to avoid stress before the holidays

  It happens twice a year. Stress! Panic, hassle. What happened? Something serious? No: the holidays have begun. Christmas holidays or summer holidays. Somehow we always have the expectation that everything should be finished. And most of the time that is not possible. What to do do to start the…

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handy sources

How to draw to remember

  You probably know the cliché that an image tells you more than 1000 words. And it is true! This is an example of a visual. A combination of text and image to make sure you remember the context of the book. One view is enough to give you the…

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handy sources

Should I start a blog?

Shall I start a blog or not is the question Quite a few scientists have been blogging at the moment and more and more PhD students have started a blog. Sometimes as a video blog to explain specific things, or in a different format like the English Open University. Another…

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