I have already written several blogs about planning. But, since I know as well as anyone that knowing or reading something does not necessarily mean you can actually do it, it was helpful that Marjolein came up with a tip about “WOOP” ing your life. Now, WOOP does not only apply to planning, you can absolutely adapt the technique to any desire you wish to fulfil and the goal you strive to achieve.
So, what is this?
WOOP is a scientifically based method that helps you use the obstacles standing in the way of achieving your goal as a way to achieve your goal. WOOP helps you fulfil your wishes, change your habits and set priorities. It is also called a mental strategy, scientifically known as “mental contrasting with implementation intentions.”
How does that work?
Often, it is said that if you think positively and visualise a good outcome, you will get there. But research (and practice) shows that only positive thinking and visualising is not a fool-proof way to achieve your desired outcome, you need something extra.

So, what is that extra piece? If you wonder what obstacles you will encounter to fulfil your wish and what you will do to overcome them, something else happens. Combine that with positive thinking and visualisation, and an effective, powerful combination is reached.
WOOP stands for:
Each letter stands for a step.
Make your wish clear, that is the first step.
Second step: Visualise the outcome that comes with fulfilling this wish. Where do you stand when it is completed, how do you feel? What are the benefits and values you reap from this completion?
Your third step: Ask yourself, what obstacles will you run into on your way to achieving the goal? And what is it in yourself that is holding you back? Name your most difficult hurdle and set it clearly in front of you.
The fourth step: Make a plan to deal with that obstacle in a healthy, fruitful way. What actions can you take, what type of thoughts can help you overcome the obstacle?
Think about it like this:
If … (obstacle), then I go … (action or thought)
In this short movie, you can learn even more about WOOP.
Do you want to know even more about WOOP? Click here!
WOOP your life!