Congratulations. You’re one step closer to a successful PhD!

Yes, I want a catalyst session!

A catalyst session and the results: insight, overview and practical steps to take straight away. Something you would like as well?

It is my gift to you, to help you finish your PhD successfully and in time!

Are things not going the way you would like them to go? Do you have the idea you should progress faster? Do you have the feeling you are not good enough? Would you love to have a sparring partner? Are you receiving contradicting guidance? Would you like to know if you addressing everything in the right way? Or do you just like to have an honest conversation about your PhD with an objective outsider? Register for a catalyst session!

Arjenne Louter helpt je succesvol en op tijd promoverenIt is my gift for you. Because I love to support PhD students so they can finish their PhD successfully and in time. All you need to do is fill in a form. Please clarify why I should choose you for a catalyst session, I only have a limited number of slots available and demand always exceeds the offer of places.

And please don’t think you need to be clear on your obstacles, or you haven’t done enough yet or that you haven’t progressed far enough, or you will probably give the wrong answers! Don’t fall into that trap, just register! (Don’t wait for the right moment, as you know you probably will postpone it altogether so just register now, it will only cost you a few minutes!)

I warmly invite you for a catalyst session.

How will I help you?

  • I will give insight in how you are maybe sabotaging yourself
  • Together we will make a plan for your PhD
  • We will also identify the step to take NOW to finish your PhD successfully
Yes, I want a catalyst session!

This is what I have to offer you: in a catalyst session I will explain exactly to you what to do to finish your PhD successfully and what would be the perfect step to take now, based on your specific circumstances. My gift to you!

The truth on finishing your PhD in time

There are so many horror stories about the difficulties of finishing your PhD. Part of them is true: only 10% of all PhD students succeed in finishing their PhD within 4 years. Many PhD students however are very stressed, there is so much to do, you get contradicting guidance how to tackle things, lots of people give you tons of advice which are not applicable for your situation and on top of that you don’t really get enough support. There is no need for this.

I would love to show you what you should and definitively should not do to make sure you work efficiently and effectively, without stress and even with spare time for yourself.

All the PhD students I worked with, have informed me that by doing less they have achieved more. And that they finally had crafted time for themselves, without feeling guilty. They gained clarity in how to work in the best way and don’t get stuck in the writing anymore, they know how to deal with the literature and are receiving the feedback they need.

They actually finish their working day satisfied and can then enjoy their evenings.

Would you like to be among the 10% that finishes their PhD successfully and in time? Would you like to be more productive, work more effectively and efficiently, have more confidence and experience less stress? Let me prepare a personal step-by-step plan how to achieve all that. PhD students reach out to me for a total breakthrough and all the students I worked with will testify that is exactly what happened.

What is the next step?

There are only a few slots available for a catalyst session and no need to say that such a session will have the best result for PhD students who are very eager to finish their PhD in time. Do you think that is applicable to you, click on the below button right now on register to apply for your session.



By filling in the questions I already started to think. The catalyst session really gave me such a clear insight what I can do now and I will do it now! I am confident again.



You clearly understand exactly all the obstacles PhD students encounter. And of course, it still won’t be easy all the time, but I am sure I won’t struggle unnecessarily anymore. You put me on the right track and I am so grateful for that.



Filling in the questions gave me so much food for thought. Because of the catalyst session I gained clarity where I am at now and it became clear to me which steps to take now. My self-confidence is back.



I gained so much clarity. I know exactly what to do – and what not to do – to really progress. Also, your tips how to have a good conversation with my supervisor, have helped me enormously. The cooperation is so much better now. I am so glad that, despite my hesitation, I took the plunge and registered for this catalyst session.


Yes, I want a catalyst session!