about youWhere to find some glimmers of light in these lockdown times?

The lockdown hasn’t finished yet. Maybe you were already tired of the lockdown and are you fed up with it all. Or you are still coping but now it all is taking its toll.

To search for some glimmers of light now and then is very important. So instead of looking at all the things that are not possible at the moment, shift your attention to the things that are possible, or even the things that are possible now because of the present situation.

Glimmers of light

Make yourself a good cup of coffee instead of the coffee from the coffee machine at University, buy yourself a beautiful bunch of flowers to enjoy every day, take the time to have a walk, manage your day how you want it. Focus on all things that went right instead of the things that didn’t work out.

I found an article with 50 small pleasures to do when stuck at home, 50 glimmers of light. In case you can’t find any suitable for you, make your own list of glimmers. And start with small steps to add them in your life.

Your brain cannot multitask

A good thing to know is that you can’t do two things at the same time. So, it is not possible to worry and be happy. The solution is then to fill your brain with fun things. Read happy books, exercise, doodle, do odd jobs, sing. Activities that don’t leave any space for fretting and worrying. It will add some more glimmers of light to your day!


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